Euro ID 2012 Showcases Xerafy's Metal Skin RFID Tags

Xerafy_RFIDXerafy's Radio Frequency ID (RFID) tagging of metal assets will be featured at the 8th Annual International Trade Fair and Science Forum for Auto Identification in Berlin, Germany. The Expo is lauded for its opportunity to provide high-quality contacts with more than 4,000 international trade visitors, decision-makers and customers in the Auto ID marketplace.

Attendees will find marking systems, such as labels, transponder and card technology; optical decoding and RFID; cable, wireless and mobile communication; and system software and hardware integration.

One of the many educational sessions will focus on best practice Auto ID, showcasing case studies with both current customers and pilot projects.

One of the premier presenters is Xerafy, a company based in China that makes RFID labels for extreme temperatures and curved containers. The Xerafy Metal Skin RFID labels are designed for metal containers. This technology is crucial for durability in construction, military and oil and gas industries.

Conforming to standard label converting equipment and processes, the Xerafy Metal Skin is a UHF dry inlay specifically designed to perform effectively on metal, and can be further customized by end users with human readable data, barcodes and graphics. It's a cost-effective RFID tag solution for a wide range of applications, from product authentication and anti-counterfeiting of high value items, to tracking of IT assets, medical supplies and goods shipped globally, and is effective on metallic cylinders and drums. The dry inlay measures 90 x 30 x 0.66 mm and offers read ranges up to 4m on metal and 5m on non-metal assets.

Attendees at the April 2012 RFID journal LIVE! 2012 show in Orlando had an opportunity to experience the company's "coolest" demo, featuring XL high memory tags tracking airplane composite material in a freezer with dry ice. The vapors pouring out from the demo drew many attendees with a demonstration that showed the tags could withstand -40°F to +482°F temperatures.

Other exhibitors at the Show were also impressed. For example, RFID Global Solution referred people working in the healthcare industry to view Xerafy's XS tags on surgical instruments. Several partners like Venture Research Inc., Tego, and Holland 1916 also featured Xerafy tags in their booths and helped identify Xerafy as a key provider of extreme RFID tags.

This Youtube video illustrates and explains the various uses for metal-imbedded RFID tags.

Xerafy is headquartered in Hong Kong, and maintains sales and technical support offices in Dallas, Texas, Washington, DC and in Shanghai, China, where its wholly owned manufacturing plant is located. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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