Smartrac Technology Group

Smartrac Technology Group

Listing Details


Smartrac is the global leader in unique and scalable solutions that enable businesses to digitize products, complement their product offerings with digital services, and connect them to the Internet of Things.Founded in 2000 and headquartered in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, the company maintains further operations and production facilities in APAC, EMEA and Americas region and serves customers across the globe.Backed by an extensive patent and applications portfolio for technology, equipment, and production of contactless components and related processes, Smartrac has been able to set standards in several fields of the global RFID industry.

Smartrac constantly strengthens its business by launching new, innovative solutions and adapting operations and logistics to the latest market requirements and standards on a global scale. These fundamental capabilities are supported through adjacent customer services such as product design and personalization, logistics, as well as post sales and manufacturing services.The company’s success is driven by continuous innovation, flexibility, and responsiveness to customer requirements.Smartrac is uniquely positioned to develop and provide high quality solutions that enable a digital signature linked to any physical object, including industrial assets, consumer goods, and many more.

Learn more about Smartrac in this video: 

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RFID Inlays & Tags

Traceless® Brand Protection Technologies

B2C & B2B Solutions