About Barcode.com


 NOTE: JANUARY 2024 - I am looking for ideas for the website, or for someone to take over the operation of it.  For more info, you can reach me at ca at barcode dot com.  




NOTE: DECEMBER 2019 - The Bar Code News will cease operations in the next few months.  It's been ten years and I've loved it, but it's time to say goodbye.  A formal notice will appear in the January 2020 issue of the digital magazine. 


It is our objective at The Bar Code News to provide an informative and useful website for the bar code and auto-id industry.   We provide a variety of news, advice, opinion, reference material and tools including a barcode generator.  The site has over 6,000 articles including hundreds of exclusive articles written by industry experts. 

The penetration of bar code and QR Code technology in the business and consumer world continues to increase.   With the increasingly rapid adoption of bar code scanning on mobile phones the industry is adding hundreds of millions of new users per year.    While a bar code itself is a relatively unobtrusive item, the number of applications for users continues to grow substantially.  

We are an independent company and solely owned by the founder.   We do not own or have an interest in any other company.   We do not sell bar code products or services.     Like any newspaper or magazine, we earn income by selling advertising.   Advertising revenue is obtained by selling space including banner ads, featured listings, newsletter advertising, and so on.  In any given year, approximately 2% of our content is from sponsors and 98% of our content is not from sponsors.  Sponsors allow us to keep this website in business and we are grateful for their support.  

We welcome user comments and suggestions for the site as well as opinions and commentary.   Comments can be submitted using the Contact link on the Footer menu below. 

Sale inquiries:  I get several of these each month.  The first patent for the bar code was issued in 1952, that was quite a while ago.  The owner of this website is also from the 1950s and therefore approaching retirement age. So, yes, the website is for sale. The price is in the seven figures (USD).  A long term lease of the domain is also a possibility.  For more information on the value of premium domain names see this page.   Inquiries or offers can be made using the Contact link below. 

The Bar Code News (tm)

TheBarCodeNews is a trademark of Barcode Media Group, Inc.

Barcode.com is a trademark of Barcode Media Group, Inc.

All other trademarks are acknowledged as property of their respective owners.

Content of this site is Copyright(c) 2009-2024 Barcode Media Group, Inc. Denver, Colorado, USA  All rights reserved.


