Authors at


Authors at - All of our regular authors are independent and are compensated. A few authors contribute pieces on an occasional basis. We are grateful for all of our writers!

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John Nachtrieb

Mr. Nachtrieb has 30+ years of hands-on experience in barcode technology. His team imaged the film master for the first commercially scanned barcode in North America (1974). His specialty is barcode quality. He created and hosts a highly customized barcode quality seminar which has been presented to 100's of companies, reaching thousands of quality-concerned people, helping them to avoid barcode problems and manage barcode-related risk.


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Craig L. Aberle

Craig Aberle is the President of Bar Code Media Group, Inc., and the owner and publisher of The Bar Code News, and former owner of The Point of Sale News ( )  both online magazines dedicated to their respective industries. He was the founder and CEO of MicroBiz Corp from 1986 to 2000, a leading developer of point-of-sale software. He has an undergraduate degree from SUNY Buffalo and an MBA from The Wharton School. He has served as a volunteer for SCORE mentoring small business owners. He is an author of - "How To Computerize Your Small Business." (Wiley and Sons NY), and has given over 100 seminars on “The Benefits of Automation.”


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Mohammad Amer Shallah

M. Amer Shallah, BS computer Engineering, Oklahoma University, has been serving the AIDC technologies (Automatic Identification, Data Capture, & Mobility) and IOT for more than twenty years distributing, integrating and implementing AIDC in various manufacturing, retail, logistics, government and security sectors. Amer is an independent consultant and writer in Auto-ID Support, he currently writes related articles and infographics that he is passionate about.
You access his blog at

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Erin Thayer

Erin Thayer is a Contributing Author at The BarCode News ( She holds a B.A. in English Literature from Wheaton College, IL, and a M.S. in Information Science from Florida State University. She is a freelance writer and editor. Her background in libraries has given her a passion for making information accessible to people.

Contact email


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Suzi Harkola

Suzi Harkola is a published author and editor with more than 30 years experience. She holds an undergraduate degree in English from Nebraska Wesleyan University and a masters from the University of Nebraska in marketing/management. She previously owned a marketing and communications company in Lincoln, Nebraska, and relocated to Sarasota, Florida in 2000. Suzi currently edits and writes for three print publications and writes for multiple on-line editions.


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Sally Jones

Sally Jones is a Contributing Editor of The Bar Code News ( and a writer. A native of Tucson, Arizona, she started her career as an engineer but now sits behind the keyboard as a freelance writer, helping businesses reach customers through persuasive and educational marketing strategies. Sally lives and dies with the sports teams from the University of Arizona, the Boston Celtics, and the Los Angeles Dodgers. She also loves to scuba dive in the Caribbean.

You can contact Sally by email, or see more of her work at


David Holliday

David Holliday lives in the label and barcode world at Winco Identification in New Hampshire. You can contact David by scanning the Microsoft Tag (yeh, right!) or the old fashioned by calling 603-598-1553.


Kathryn Cunningham

Kathryn Cunningham is a writer and editor based in Sarasota, FL. A graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and member of Phi Beta Kappa, Kathryn is Managing Editor of, The Point of Sale News. Kathryn has a Master of Fine Arts degree from Florida State University and recently completed her first novel.

Google+ Profile


Dave Carmany

Dave Carmany brings his e-commerce, finance, and management experience to where he has been President of the company since its founding in 1998. Since its founding, has grown into one of the internet's largest label suppliers. Dave is also an active manager at Consolidated Label, a leading custom label manufacturer, where he has played a key role in helping Consolidated Label to win the Tag & Label Manufacturers' Institute's coveted Eugene Singer Award for Management Excellence eleven years in a row. Dave Carmany graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science in Finance and currently resides in Winter Park, Florida.



Amanda Brooke Avery

Amanda Brooke Avery is a freelance writer and designer, & professional crazy cat lady. She has been working with moderate to no supervision for the past four years, and continues to crank out the best for all of her clients, partners, and friends (and cats). She is currently on the road.

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Katrina Costedio

Ms. Costedio established her passion for communication at St. John's College (Santa Fe), where the ability to absorb, process, integrate and relate information was necessary for survival. She has translated this passion into a successful writing and design career, as a freelance writer and Creative Director at Katrina Costedio Design, LLC.

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Doug Fleener

Doug Fleener is founder of the Dynamic Experiences Group. He is a veteran retailer with more than 25 years of hands-on retail experience with world-class retailers including Bose Corporation and The Sharper Image. He has also owned and operated his own specialty stores. Doug is now president and managing partner of Dynamic Experiences Group LLC, a Lexington based retail consulting firm dedicated to helping retailers create unique customer experiences that results in higher sales and profits. Learn more at or at


Mary Haberstroh

Mary Haberstroh is a freelance technical writer with experience in SEO and web content writing. Her poetry has been published in both print and electronic literary journals. She has worked in retail for many years and received her degree in Near Eastern Studies from the University of Arizona. In addition to writing, she also has extensive web design and development skills.