Who Has The World's Largest Database of Barcodes?

    Although a number of companies have attempted to put together a large database of barcodes, none have exceeded 30 million barcodes - at least as far as we know, up till now.   Alibaba.com - soon to be the world's largest shopping portal - claims to have a database of 100  million barcodes, as reported by Want China Times

      Recently, according to Want, Alibaba held a promotion to encourage users to scan barcodes on mobile devices by offering a discount to users who did so.   Their campaign reportedly attracted over 1 million buyers. 

   The largest databases we are aware of elsewhere include- www.ShopSavvy.com - reported 20+ million barcodes about 2 years ago.

   Amazon.com - is reported to have a substantial database of UPC codes - we requested data from Amazon as to the size of the database and will share that information if and when it is received.  



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