I Used a Barcode Alarm App, Here's What Happened


barcode-alarm.jpgFor the benefit of technology lovers everywhere, I tested the Barcode Alarm app (available for free on iOS) so that you didn’t have to. Here’s what happened:

The idea behind the Barcode Alarm app is simple, pair a barcode with an alarm, and when the alarm goes off, you have to scan the same barcode to get the alarm to stop ringing. I wanted originally to scan the barcode of the book on my night stand, but that seemed to be too easy of a cop out. I tend to be a repeat snoozer.  Instead, I used the barcode on my toothpaste that I keep in the bathroom downstairs. That would get me up, right?

5.30AM came too soon (it’s sneaky like that), and before I knew it, the alarm was blaring. I stuck my arm out for my phone, and upon remembering it wasn’t going to shut up with just a simple swipe, proceeded to look for my glasses. By the time I got my glasses on my face, my partner was sitting up in bed, staring at me with a look of sleepy hatred I will never forget. On my way to the bathroom, the cat, who had also been woken up by the alarm (he usually does not like to be disturbed until 9), wanted to make sure I knew he was ready for breakfast by terror-kitty.jpgweaving through my legs. I can’t relay the exact order of the following events, but I landed on the ground, the cat screamed, and the alarm continued to go off.

Success. I was awake.

By the time I finally made it to my toothpaste, I learned that there’s a way you can pay to turn the alarm off in the event that you can’t scan your barcode. I would have paid any amount of money to have avoided this app. Really. Any amount...



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