QR Codes for Valentines Day

Valentines tagWith Valentine’s Day just around the corner, you may be wondering how to pop the question to your significant other. Or, if question-popping is out of the question, you may just be looking for ideas to make it special. Why go for the traditional, when you can go for the technological?

MAKE Magazine recently did a write up about Guido, a Buenos Aires local who proposed to his girlfriend by leading her on a QR code treasure hunt (http://makezine.com/2014/02/12/qr-code-treasure-hunt-marriage-proposal/). He used a Blackberry QR code reader paired with the Dropbox app to link up all of his pictures and music. The QR code clues led her around the city to places that were special to them. The treasure hunt culminated in a final QR code on the front door of her house that, when scanned, played music to set the ambiance for Guido to propose to once

In June of 2012 this couple (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u_qHR3_HbA) got engaged when a young man from Texas had a bakery in his hometown leave a cake with a QR code in the window that said “Scan Me.” He gathered their friends together, and one of them got his girlfriend to scan the cake. The code led to his proposal, both literally and figuratively sweet.

In this (http://2d-code.co.uk/marriage-proposal-qr-code/) love story, then-boyfriend Jerry proposed to his girlfriend by making a video of Google-search terms that told the story of their relationship (you can view the video here [http://youtu.be/Tv8k3QXa7UA]). He used phrases like “where to go on a first date” and “how to pop the question,” and used Google Maps to show places that they had been together throughout their relationship. He linked the video to a heart-shaped QR code, which he printed out on stickers that his girlfriend could scan. Spoiler alert:If you don’t know how to make your own QR code yet, this company (http:// licketycut.net/products/laser-cut-acrylic-marriage-proposal-qr-code-necklace-will-you-marry-me) will provide you with a laser-cut QR code proposal necklace for your love!

If you are not in the market for a proposal piece, and just want to  share the love this year, Miriam Merenfeld Jewelry of Miami makes these (http://www.miriammerenfeld.com/shop/QR-Messages) QR code necklaces that have sweet sentiments like “Love is Forever” and “Love Conquers All.” If you are strapped for cash, or just feel like your sweetheart deserves something hand made, this tutorial (http://www.instructables.com/id/QR-Code-Love-Note-Needlepoint/) from Instructables shows you how to make your own QR code needlepoint project with some simple cross-stitch supplies. If you would rather buy a more traditional gift, but still add some techie flair, this tutorial (http://howto.cnet.com/8301-11310_39-57335154-285/how-to-make-personalized-qr-code-gift-tags/) from CNet shows you how to add a personal video to your present by creating a QR code gift If your significant other is technologically inclined, or you just want to try something new and exciting this year – try throwing a QR code into your Valentine’s Day plans.

Who knows, if your QR code proposal goes well, perhaps you can follow up with this QR code wedding cake (http://2d-code.co.uk/wedding-cake-qr-code/).

Written by Brooke Aberle

Thanks for reading The Bar Code News and have a great Valentine's Day!!

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