Our holiday prayer in QR code format

MettaprayerThe QR code image contains a simple eight line prayer by Lama Surya Das, based on the Metta Sutta, a writing several thousand years old, but thought to be so powerful that the heavens rejoice when it is said.

It represents our wishes for this coming year. 


Use your smartphone's QR code scanner app to decode the prayer, or, maybe download one from the App Store/Play Store.


The Metta Prayer:

May all beings be happy, content, and fulfilled.  

May all beings be healed and whole.  

May all beings have whatever they want and need.  

May all be protected from harm, and free from fear.

May all beings enjoy inner peace and ease.  

May all be awakened, liberated and free.

May there be peace in this world, and throughout the entire universe.      

(From Awakening The Buddha Within, By Lama Surya Das)  - Our sincere wishes to you for a wonderful year - the folks at Barcode.com


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