Barcode-Verified Pharmacy Solution MedPickRx is released to Canadian Market

MediPickRxMedPickRx, a new barcode-verified computerized system for filling oral solid prescriptions, has just been released by TCGRx and Healthmark Ltd.  The system differs from traditional robotic automation since it addresses the entire bottle formulary rather than just the fastest moving medications.   Ninety-two percent of a pharmacy’s prescription volume is represented by the oral solid formulary.  While competing robotic solutions reduce oral solid formulary fill time by about 9%, MedPickRx can reduce the fill time of oral solid formulary by up to 40%.

The system’s high density storage capacity saves pharmacies both time and space.  Typical open shelving wastes 75% of available pharmacy space, and the time pharmacists and technicians spend hunting through the open shelves is a significant.

Laurie Deegan, R.Ph and Ambulatory/Retail Training Manager of Fairview Pharmacy, tried out the new system and said, "While working at one of our pharmacies upgraded with the MedPickRx system, I was impressed at how much faster I could find a bottle over a traditional pharmacy."  Saved space and time from implementing a more efficient inventory management system like MedPickRx could better be spent by adding more service like consulting, clinics, and compounding.

The verification process eliminates errors and also nearly reduces inventory spoilage.  "MedPickRx employs a modular automation technology that provides verification of the right drug, right dose and for the first time, requires technicians to use the inventory in the proper sequence -- open bottles first, shortest expiration date second," said TCG CEO Duane Chudy. This is accomplished through unique "pick and fill to light" technology backed up by barcode verification of product. Technicians or pharmacists scan the bottle’s barcode to verify that the correct drug and dose are selected before allowing them to continue.  

Added benefits of MedPickRx are inventory reporting and drug use information. Also of interest is the system’s ability to track expiration dates, lot numbers, and control medications. Powerful audit trail capabilities provide a record of prescription fill information indicating user and time. MedPickRx also increases time savings by automating the manual processes of re-ordering, expiration checking, and inventory audits. "One of our customers has seen an on hand inventory reduction of 33% within the first six months of use. This inventory savings offsets the system cost and makes MedPickRx one of the most unique and high return products on the market," said George Puckett, Vice President of Beacon Sales at TCG.

MedPickRx is the only formulary management system that reduces labor, inventory levels and space requirements while increasing accuracy at half the cost of robotics.

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