QR Codes in the Car Dealership

car dealership qr codesQR codes enter the quintessential sales environment

The car dealership is the quintessential sales environment. Therefore, it is not surprising to see this industry develop a logical and contextual use for QR codes and mobile optimization. Over the past few years, the auto industry has been changing; consumers are clutching their cash tight to their chests, causing dealerships to increase the level of service on all fronts. The addition of the QR code to the sales sticker is a logical progression.

Distributing this technology to car dealerships is AutoPlus. The company is calling the QR codes, Smart Tag technology for automotive retailers. The Smart Tag integration is a key feature of the latest release of APexpress Window Sticker Software, a software which facilitates in-house printing of window stickers and Buyers Guides, decodes VINs instantly, EPA mileage and uses an optional, wireless barcode scanner for faster VIN number entry.

APexpress v7.1 turns the QR barcode into an AutoPlus Smart Tag, prints it on the window sticker and automatically generates a custom electronic vehicle brochure that is instantly displayed on a customer’s smart phone.

The customer now has instant, mobile access to multiple vehicle photos, lists of accessories, features and specifications, pricing information, a call button and a special manager’s coupon as a money-saving incentive. All of this is accomplished in-house, by the dealer, using a standard PC, printer and the advanced APexpress software. The QR codes become valuable sales tools that every dealership can quickly implement at a cost per vehicle that is negligible.

Using the Smart Tags on window stickers engages the customer in the buying process, allows him 24/7 access to mobile optimized information and fosters trust in the dealer by illustrating technological relevance. There is no information regarding whether or not Apexpress collects data from the scans, but this would be a logical next step, furthering the benefit of QR code use in the sales environment.

Cultivating the spread of information through connecting physical to mobile digital is one of the simplest and most profound uses of the QR code. With a little time and attention, this kind of connection can be executed by anyone. We at the Barcode News encourage you to explore this connection with our free QR code generator.



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