QR Codes May Help you Get Hired

qrcodebusinesscardVizibility, the company best known for the Google SearchMe button that allows professionals to hand select Google search results for their name then add a SearchMe button that returns those results, has thrown its name into the QR Code hat. New QR Codes from the company resolve to the user's SearchMe links. The company states that the QR Codes will help career professionals and job-seekers add a new dimension to their personal branding with personalized QR codes for Vizibility SearchMe™ links.

"Embedding a QR code on a resume is an interactive and easy way for job-seekers to proactively present additional information about themselves while communicating a high level of technology savviness," said Wendy Enelow, Executive Director of the Resume Writing Academy and the Career Thought Leaders Consortium. "Resumes are constantly evolving to keep pace with the changing employment landscape. Adding a QR code that links to your specific Google search results is one of the latest and greatest ways to create a multi-dimensional, technologically savvy resume. As we all know, job-seekers on the cutting edge are more memorable to hiring managers and recruiters, and that's what the whole job search is about. Google me and remember me."

QR Codes Resolve to Top Five Verified Google Search Results

When someone scans a Vizibility QR code it will display a user's top five verified Google search results. With one more click, a user's full search results are displayed in Google. In addition, there is an option to easily add a vCard contact to a mobile device. Verified search results and contact information can be changed at any time without having to update the QR code.The QR Codes can be added to resumes, presentations, business cards and any other printed or online materials.

"If you are a lawyer or other professional services provider working with technology clients, it is critical to communicate familiarity with the latest technologies," said Jeffery M. Stoler, partner at the leading law firm of McCarter & English. "What better way to make a lasting impression than to put a QR code on a business card or in a presentation to send that message for you. And it gives someone a useful, instant way to learn more about your background through a personalized Google search."

Although I agree 100% with Stoler that it is critical to communicate familiarity with the latest technologies, I am not sold on the concept of 'personalized Google search' especially since it costs money. After all, a free Google search is one of the last inalienable rights we have left and, as an employer, I would not rely on a would-be employee's hand-picked results. Of course, if your name is John Smith, for example, or the story of your ugly divorce takes up the first 2 and half pages of a Google search for your name, then I can see how a hand-picked list may be helpful.

While resolving to a Google search may be interesting, there are plenty of free QR Codes you can make and add to business cards, resumes or presentations. In fact, you can create a QR Code that resolves to a URL, automatically stored contact information, text and more right here at barcode.com. Find it here: FREE QR CODE GENERATOR.


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