QR Codes Hit Home- And the Rocky Mountains

QR codes and MarketingPeople spend years studying (and millions hiring) in an attempt to wrangle the elusive marketing beast. The variables, like the strategies, are endless. But at it's core, good marketing is simply about connection. The relationship between customer and brand is no different from any other relationship. It requires clear communication and a mutual understanding of needs. As society evolves and technology develops, the ways in which we connect change. Think about it: how did you forge relationships 10 years ago? Not with a text message, but today alone I've sent at least 25 texts- some business, some personal. This is just one way in which I use my smartphone to maintain my relationships.

The same theory holds true for business: the ways in which we communicate our message change over time. We cannot expect to get the same results this year from last year's marketing strategy; the variables have changed. Consumers are no longer content to sit back and be marketed to. They demand interaction, convenience— connection.

Widespread adoption of the smartphone has delivered into our hands a perpetual connection tool. Companies are capitalizing on this with contemporary marketing  strategies. Rocky Mountain Vacation Rentals (RMVR), out of Vail, Colorado, is one such company who has harnessed the power of the QR code to create a powerful marketing campaign.

"We are always looking for cutting edge and innovative ways to market our product," said Tommy Z. Hoffman, owner and founder of Rocky Mountain Vacation Rentals. QR codes are appearing on posters, vehicles, flyers, banners, signs, and business cards. So far, RMVR has placed QR codes on Google Business listings and advertisements in print articles, such as Ski Magazine. The company plans to continue to integrate QR codes into various aspects of their business as this digital phenomenon continues to gain traction.

The QR Code allows for seamless integration between the physical world and the Internet. The smart phone -a Blackberry, iPhone, or Android - takes a picture of the QR code, interprets the information from a downloaded application, and brings the consumer to a URL from the screen on their phone. For RMVR this facilitates easy bookmarking of their site listings, while presenting a greener way to narrow dow travel searches.

"The placement of QR codes that we've incorporated into ads and web banners is an excellent way to encourage interaction with our website, pictures, and videos," commented Sean Ragsdale, Creative Director at RMVR. "The interplay will provide our clients with the exposure to multiple property options using their mobile phones and make it convenient to share information."

A cursory glance around any public place: Starbucks, the mall, even the grocery store, will tell you that the rate at which information is being shared via smartphone is mind-bending. The smartphone has become our primary tool for maintaining connection; why wouldn't you use it to maintain connection with your customer base?

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