Scan Barcodes for Cash

Barcode AppThe odds of me ever getting married or having another baby are about 1 in a million, so chances are I'll never get to use this new barcode app that just came across my desk. But if some such obscure scenario were to arise, I would so be scanning my gifts into SimpleRegistry. You can bet on that.

With the SimpleRegistry iPhone and iPod App, members can visit any store in the world, scan a barcode or snap a photo, and add the item to their registry. You can have a registry for whatever you want: wedding, baby, fundraising, etc.

Obviously, the upside to this is that you get to scan barcodes. Ok, well that and you can register items at as many stores as you like; the company reported that one couple used their iPhones to register items from twenty-seven different stores. From the website you can add anything you can think of to the registry: skydiving, puppies, Tahitian vacation, tummy tuck. Which leads me to the downside. You don't actually receive any gifts. You get cash (a bank check or transfer). Maybe its just me, but isn't the fun/benefit of the registry getting to open all those big, garish gifts and not having to trot around town to twenty-seven different stores to get all the stuff you need? If I got one fat check instead of gifts, that check would go right into savings, and I'dforget all about that $200 Creuset baking dish I thought I needed. However, as a gift-giver, I would much rather spend 5 minutes online plugging in my VISA information than pouring over table linens at Saks.

The SimpleRegistry iPhone App is available for free at the App Store.

SimpleRegistry App Key Features:

  • Scan the barcode or take a picture of any item in any store and add it to a gift registry.
  • No barcode or picture? You can also add anything you can think of and apply a cost to it.
  • Split costly items into multiple, smaller, gifts to encourage group giving.
  • For item images, select from a library of over 100,000.
  • Customize the inventory of your SimpleRegistry account.
  • Keep track of gifts and "Thank You" notes.

The SimpleRegistry app syncs via Wi-Fi or the user's cellular network to manage their registry instantaneously.

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