Bar Codes: More Than Just Numbers

They don’t see them just as 12 random digits. They see them as a form of art which is why they make them that way. As of December 2009, Nationwide Barcode has helped create bar codes, artwork and smiles for over 90,000 satisfied customers.

The bar code artwork itself is not meant to be a farmable piece of art. “The barcode has historically been a mundane ubiquitous image that tends to detract from packaging whether it is a greeting card, a CD jewel case or a bottle of soda. Our goal is to take the bar code and give it a unique identity of its own while maintaining its ability to be easily scanned at the checkout counter,” comments President of Nationwide Barcode, Phil Peretz.

Although the idea of bar code art sounds neat, it is a complex process that takes careful planning and preparation. But, after jumping over a few hurdles the creative process can begin. Nationwide Barcode makes it their mission to ensure that it looks “fun, but maintains the intended usefulness.”

Nationwide Barcode offers numerous barcode graphics that can be ordered online to compliment any company’s packaged products. Each graphic costs $50.00 dollars. If ordering multiple graphics, make sure each one is ordered one-at-a-time since Nationwide Barcode needs a unique barcode number for each graphic image. Graphics range from foods and music to people and animals.

Visit the official website for more information or call them toll free at 1-888-356-7770.

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