barcode magazine q2 2019 cover lowresWelcome to  Since 2009 millions of visitors have found news, information and help with  bar code labels,  printing a bar code, buying a bar code, bar code software or enterprise-wide barcoding for a large company.   

For actual case studies visit our Barcode Solutions sectionYou'll find ten different categories of implementation, and numerous success stories in each category.

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Click on the cover to the right for the latest issue of the Bar Code Magazine.

Please note - The Bar Code News will move to sometime in Q1-2020. 

The Bar Code News (tm)

AutoID Industry Spawns New Job Title - Scanner

Skiing at Breckenridge this past week, I saw a name tag with a job title that was, well, 100% descriptive.  Scanner.    And he was a member of the Scan Team.    As in, “Hi, what do you do?”  “Me? I’m a scanner.  I scan people."  or,  "I scan people to make sure they have valid ski passes with RFID,  and stop unauthorized people from riding the...

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