Digimarc - Outsiders tout, insiders sell

Digimarc, a company who recently has begun attempting to commercialize a retail barcode technology that is designed to speed up transactions, has been getting quite a bit of press from at least one company who has admitted being long the stock.    

A website called Seeking Alpha has been touting the stock. See column - http://seekingalpha.com/article/3219666-is-the-digimarc-barcode-inevitable
The stock is up so far this year, but the CEO and others have been busy selling shares.  Image source - Yahoo Finance.
digimarc stock
What is interesting is the adamant (unrelenting) defense of the technology and company, by the columnist at Seeking Alpha, and others who comment on the blog.  
A key question is will the licensing income be sufficient to get rid of the red ink and offer a return to shareholders.   The company net income has declined in the last three years, swinging from a gain to a loss (data and link below). 

For a list of insider transactions try this link to Yahoo Finance.  We show a few below, but there were so many that they wouldn't fit in our screen capture tool.  


 digimarc stock sales


Details of various SEC filings can be found here - on the SEC website:



The income for fiscal years 2014,2013, 2012 can be found here - on Yahoo Finance: 



digimarc income



Neither The Bar Code News nor the author have a position in Digimarc stock, either short or long - and have never had one.

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