FileTrail RFID Tracking Solutions Streamline Operations While Bulking Up Bottom Line

allowing for the check-in and check-out of stacks of files, auto-tracking in key office zones, auto-recording files received at each desktop, and enabling missing files to be located quickly with portable RFID readers.

Currently, FileTrail is the industry's leader in file tracking solutions. They provide affordable, scalable browser-based file tracking, workflow, and management solutions Built with leading edge automation, FileTrail offers the software, systems, and technology necessary to create an effective and powerful records management solution— spanning electronic and physical files.


FileTrail is effective for any industry requiring records management, but its efficacy is most clearly illustrated in the legal realm. Take for example, the firm of Sughrue Mion, PLLC, a leading IP firm based in Washington, DC whose file room handles in excess of 1,200 files per day. In 2005, having recognized a growing need for all staff to have on-line access to the file inventory, as well as a need for more powerful automation of repetitive file handling task, they selected FileTrail. This decision was based on FileTrail's process automation, intuitive browser-based interface, and experience with RFID.

Search and Request Tools Provide Firm-Wide Access

Sughrue Mion, PLLC has seen extreme improvement in numerous areas since the implementation of FileTrail. One key area being firm-wide access; now, when a file is needed, attorneys and secretaries simply use FileTrail's desktop interface where the search and request tools completely eliminate time spent calling, emailing or walking to the file room.

“The ease of requesting files has had the biggest impact in terms of saving time for our firm,” said Jody Rosenberg, Director of Operations. “The staff would not use our old system for requesting, but FileTrail is remarkably clear and easy to use.”

The ability to login at every desktop empowers staff to make better decisions. Knowing what exists and where it physically is helps them get the files they need faster. Rather than making broad requests to the file room for materials they need, requests are for explicitly-identified items they have found in FileTrail. Also, because the current location is shown, staff often have a more efficient option than making a request to the file room. When a file is already checked out, they can get the file much more directly and quickly by contacting that person with a click of button on the FileTrail interface.

Support Tools Improve Staff Productivity

Generally, Legal Secretaries are in charge of file management for a group of attorneys. Files may be checked out to the attorney or the secretary and secretaries must transfer files between their attorneys and other staff, as well as receive transfers from other attorneys and staff. FileTrail's admin support tools simplify and expedite these processes.

“The secretaries love the admin support tools in FileTrail,” said Rosenberg. “For the first time, they can see what is checked out to their attorneys, manage those files, request files in their name, and do file transfers for them.”

Reduce Costs with RFID

RFID technology adds a new level of intelligence to the filing system. Like bar codes, RFID tags provide a unique identifier for each file. However, RFID allows tasks like batch check-in and check-out to be performed many times faster than with bar code scanning.

Sughrue conducts an audit each week of the 5,000 to 6,000 files that are checked out. This confirms and updates the location of files. RFID technology allows the audits which used to take 32 hours to be completed in four or five hours.

For Sughrue Mion, PLLC the key results of FileTrail implementation have been 1) Firm-Wide Access Everyone saves time by searching, locating and requesting files from their desks. 2) File Room Automation FileTrail streamlines file room operations with integrated workflow processes and RFID technology. 3) Easy Auditing Weekly audits can be completed in one-fifth the time using RFID. 4) Seamless Integration Real-time integration with the docket system keeps FileTrail up-to-date and triggers printing of labels for new matters. 5) Automated Labeling Color-coded strip labels are printed from FileTrail, saving time over manual labeling methods.

Clearly, RFID is the next generation of file management. Companies are streamlining workflow and increasing employee productivity by eliminating the busywork that resultsfrom chasing down files. FileTrail offers a number of different solutions.

For more information on the FileTrail system,  visit or call 800-310-0314.